JP Grimaldi Projects

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Dieting (Part 1)

Mmm, and how to get rid of those tires around the waste?

There are too many articles written on this subject and makes this posting a bit of a challenge.
What's that tire around my waste?

Oh, my word, it looks unsightly & ugly

I've read another blog about the same subject:

and left a comment:

"Mmm, yes, it does work if you are disciplined enough to follow the program. The saying is "eat enough food that you could fit into a vessel as big as you fist". That really sums it up that your stomach is basically the same size as your fist and enough to sustain that body of yours, but then you tend to eat too much and the stomach starts stretching, hence the space to be filled, alas here comes obesity!.  My own experience in loosing weight was just a fist-full of food, sit-ups in the morning and evening and my friends know that I walk a lot, cut out bread, period, as that bloats you up especially the wheat and gluten combined, and you start looking pregnant. Don't under-estimate the benefits of eating Dandelion leaves (see more info below), that helps tremendously to reduce that waistline plus eating fruit when you really feel hungry and drink lots of water. I have a fist-full of Slimmer's choice, low fat & kilojouled controlled cereal in the morning, with no dairy but pure pressed apple juice with a dollop of honey.  I've followed this regime for 5 weeks now and I have lost flab of 13 cm around the waste. I can actually fit into some of my clothes again. I'm as fit as a fiddle."

It is not a weed. Much more to it you know!

Dandelion forest

I wish we were like the aliens in the movie 'Avatar'. Now look at those stomach (it's to die for):

Why couldn't we all have been born with six-packs. Why couldn't our physiology disallow the expansion of the stomach and therefore equate the flab-thing out of existence.  We are genetically predisposed.
It's very difficult I know or to comprehend what creation intended when homo-sapiens were brought into existence?  
But, many moons ago I read an article on how a gentleman kept his 28 inch waste; he wore a belt like those weight-lifting belts all the time. Tightened the belt according to the desired waist measurement he intended to have, and starting eating as he normally does according to custom (eat three times a day as much as you can - a very archaic social phenomena), but couldn't as the belt  wouldn't allow his stomach to stretch to accommodate all the food. He wore this belt constantly everyday and at night when he slept; it kept the stomach flat and it worked. I wish I could find the picture on internet as proof. It was totally amazing but this exercise prevented him to indulge. The stomach then got used to the tightness and shrunk to a more suitable size and aesthetically improved the posture for a more athletic look.  

And guess what? I have one of those weight-lifting belts which I used when I joined a local gym to improve my narcissistic outlook in life when I was much younger; a phase everyone went through to look good in a bikini or nude in front of you partner (;>.
There are so many things in my 'closet' and decided to retrieve this 'artifact of a belt' and started wearing it myself and the experiment works. I don't eat as much as I normally do as the belt is quelling the lust of filling up with capacity.
Apparently there are similar 'artifacts' (high technology) you can purchase just to do exactly that.
 "Although electronic muscle stimulators have been approved by the FDA in a medical setting for the treatment of muscle spasms, muscle atrophy prevention and improvements in range of motion, they have not been approved for weight loss or girth reduction purposes."

More about a fistful of food:

Click on this picture for more information.

"Make a fist and observe the size of it. This is about the size of your stomach. Oh dear, you may be thinking, “How did all of that food I ate last night fit into a space so small?” Good question. First, realize that you almost certainly ate more than you needed to feel satisfied. Next, understand that your stomach is a muscle that can expand to accommodate a great amount of food. Just ask anyone who is a binge eater.
Usually, eating an amount of food the size of your fist is enough to feel satisfied … give or take, based on the day, the weather, the cycles of the moon, and other unspecified mysteries of life and eating! To figure out the amount of food to eat based on comparing it to the size of your fist, you've got to imagine the food after you've chewed it. Oh, ick, you may think. Imagine that the air is taken out of such foods as a salad.
Seriously, you can't go wrong eating an amount of food the size of your fist three or four times a day. You certainly won't gain weight. Better yet, you'll start releasing stored fat."

There are also  millions of books and programs on how to diet; but the bottom line is: eat less and rather eat 5 times a day and small portions.
Tighten your belt; eat less and save money.

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